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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Canadian artist's Jaclyn Howes and 
Val Engen: Mindfire:

"Art is a platform fraught with many complexities." abstract art is art of the imagination, if you can imagine it, it is said to be real. If it is real, it is no longer abstract. Therefore the "art" must be somewhere in between; my view of the creative process.
The individual paintings an artist produces are a record in time of the creative thought process, just a snapshot out of the movie. 

The real art, the "mindfire" happens between the paintings, the poems, the music, the real power to construct a complex yet simple psychological impression of a moment in time and space. The movie is going on in the background and that is what everybody wants to see. That is the prize commodity in the world of art mindfire. Getting to know the artist. You never see it. It is invisible, yet it is the secret soul of the creative spirit needing to get into the light; you only see the result, the "finished work" In that regard, the "work" is never finished. I'm interested in the process in between the works, what happens in the artists mind/life to account for the difference in "style", but there is really much more to this story.

The devil is in the details. The artists ability to lay out a textured template in the unveiling of their concept is the foundation for a great abstract work. Now, you come along and compare your life experience to what you think you see on the canvas. The big rush, the mental high is where your brain analysis and compares every emotion it has ever had to what it thinks it see's and feels in the painting; in an instant. In the blink of an eye, first impressions are everything in art. You can savor it later. If it doesn't knock your socks off when you first see it you are just going to keep on walking; something like that. A sharing of secrets of the artists deep emotions about life, and the nature of the universe; they have to release the immense energy of their mindfire onto the canvas, or their heads will explode. Then you come along, stand in front of this complex psychological template fraught with emotions in the theater of the absurd we call life and see whatever you want to see. Your reaction become part of the art, that eureka moment, the grand vision appears before you like the first time you dawned a pair of 3D glasses. You wonder how is it you didn't see it earlier. Then you ask; Why is it only me that see's it?

Like gazing into a fire, an artist on "fire" is too excited about the discovery process to spent one more second overworking a concept, dwelling on the past. A new song, a new poem, a new painting, a new experience is the theme of an art show I am putting together in Bejiing. I have spent my life loving, looking at, studying "great art" and artists, I know what I like. I am continually amazed at unknown artist popping out of the woodwork with amazing modernistic art. Like Paul Klee I have always had an aquarium on my desk, 60 years later I learn new things about the nature of nature. I am an agent for art of the imagination, I currently represent a small group of brilliant "mindfire" artists, I am looking balance the show with something different. If you creative mind is on fire send me an image, if I hear the music, I will take it to China. I'm betting they will like it as much as I do.
The surge of new millionaires in China has developed a thirst for excellence in modern art, art of the imagination. Especially brilliant new abstract artists from the west who have great energy, great mindfire, and can crank out acres of brilliant paintings at the speed of thought. Abstract art is the only commodities market that never goes down; eternal value. Not a metaphor. Recently an unknown artist a few years ago sold an interesting work for $19,000, two weeks ago it sold for 200 million dollars. The gentlemen purchased the painting as an investment; that's what he saw in it

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