Tottenham Ontario

Farm girl graduates Honours Psychology York U
Tara went on to get a degree in Forestry in BC
My favorite truck of all time. Ford half ton; straight six with chains. I would hook up an 6000 trailer with wood plus a cord on the truck; it would go where few other trucks would dare. When Ernie gave me the truck, the back springs were broken, only one brake on the front wheel, and the gas tank was ripped off first time I took it through the woods. I tied a couple of blocks of wood between the axle and the chassis, put on a gravity fed gas tank and it ran perfect for the next 10 years; no repairs necessary. I hauled about 300 cords out of the bush with it. They don't build them like that anymore.
Not afraid of heights, Suzanne was cutting a vent in the roof.
Our hothouse; mostly hot peppers
Shane and Brenda Forsyth live right across the street from us, at the end of the rainbow. Two of the hardest working and nicest people folks I have ever met.
Tara learning how to drive on the back 40
Shane Forsyth loading up an order us. Shane has cleared the snow from our lane for 20 years, plowed up the garden and supplied us with farm fresh organic food. I have the highest respect for the farmers I have known.
100 year old farmhouse, Aurora, I made the commute everyday to downtown Toronto.
Mom and the boys
A little jug band music
The Sutherland family farm, Ed Sutherland was our first friend in Grey County. Alex worked for Ed & Ted on the weekends and summer holidays. More to this story later.
Andrew tilling the garden
Our Massey tractor with skid winch on the back, I did a little logging back in the day.
That's one big tree for a 14 inch chainsaw.
I liked life in the fast lane in the city, but I like the country better, especially for raising a family. It is important kids make an early connection to nature, so they respect it for the rest of their lives.
Our winter hide-a-way,in Rosemount. We would pack up the family and spent winter weekends out in the boonies.
Alex starting school in Aurora
Looking out front today in Georgian Bluffs
Lefroy Ontario
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